I love to read. Mostly science fiction and fantasy (or "trashy gothic romances" as my husband calls them!), but also children's fiction, historical fiction, some general fiction, and some biography, and at least ONE gothic romance by Russell Kirk.
Here is my "high-tech" reading page. It has links to various sites that deal with "electronic" reading.
There's a 2016 reading challenge photo floating around Facebook. The original URL (quoted on Facebook) is here. So these are my guesses for books that I will read for the 2016 challenge.
Here are some of my favorite author/illustrators (in alphabetical order):
Here are some authors that I must get around to reading - so many books, so little time!
Page URL: ../reading/
© 2001-2016, Kathleen Hanrahan
Webmaster: Kathleen Hanrahan
Revised: 1 January 2016