Pregnancy |
www.adam.com The home site of A.D.A.M by Mindscape, that software that gives you a look inside the human body. Of interest to parents are two other titles by Mindscape: Nine Month Miracle - Conception to Birth - A Family's Interactive Guide (Software on CD) go direct to: education.adam.com/products/ninemonth/ninemonth.htm and Pediatricians' Home Assistant - A Medical Tutorial from Infancy to late Adolescence (Software on CD) go direct to: education.adam.com/products/ped/ped.htm
www.babybag.com A full featured site with lots of content. Departments include pregnancy, childbirth, parenting, family fun, health and more. Lots of links. They have a "yellow pages" of baby related companies. They have an online catalog, to go direct: www.babybag.com/boutique/index.htm
www.babycenter.com A large site with lots of content, much like an online magazine. Lots of pregnancy, baby, and parenting resources. Articles, information, "Ask the Experts", plus input from parents. They have message boards and chat rooms to connect with other parents. Offering a customizable personal page, an Internet Explorer 4.0 channel, and a searchable web site. They have several interactive tools, such as due date calculators, cost calculator, namers and more. Sign up to receive a monthly news letter. Other features include links, yellow pages, a glossary, product guides and recalls, parent polls and more.
www.babyworld.com A British full featured site.
www.btio.com Home page of Baby Think It Over, it's a baby doll that teaches teens and preteens about the responsibilities of having a baby, it cries at inopportune times, needs to be cared for just like a real baby, and records instances of neglect or abuse.
www.carolinababy.com Carolina Baby Connection, from pregnancy through pre-school. Lots of helpful information for new and expecting parents. Also has links and freebies.
www.charm.net/%7Etotoro/doula.html A description of what a Doula is, and links to Doula and childbirth related sites.
www.childbirth.org Lots of good links to sites and articles. They have a book store that lists related books sifted from the lists at Amazon.com. The site is created by a certified Doula who authored most of the articles at The Mining Company's pregnancy site.
www.clicked.com/babytime Baby Time, a pregnancy resource. They have some ultrasound pictures.
cnn.com/HEALTH/indepth.health/parenting/index.html The CNN news site's parenting resource, with articles and links for parenting, pregnancy, infants, children and more.
www.cs.ruu.nl/wais/html/na-dir/misc-kids/pregnancy/general/part1.html A collection of pregnancy and baby related articles someone collected off the net over a period of time.
www.dailyparent.com A magazine style resource of articles on many aspects of pregnancy, birth, babies and parenting.
www.drgreene.com Dr. Green's House Calls. Resources from a pediatrician.
www.efn.org/~djz/birth/birthindex.html Online Birth Center. A resource for pregnancy and birth. Articles and links.
www.evenflo.com Evenflo baby products. Nice site has lots of info, on products as well as safety tips, pregnancy and baby care. Including recall info on their own products. They have a "find the hidden hot button within the site" contest, win Evenflo products, 70 winners per month.
www.fensende.com/Users/swnymph Sabrina's Pregnancy Page. FAQs and links to pregnancy and birth related resources. Also photos of Sabrina's c-section.
www.ghc.org/web Health info from Group Health Cooperative. Of interest here are the sections Children's Health and Woman's Health/Pregnancy. Under Children's health are 2 sections of note, Child development and health from birth to age 5/ Well Child News, and Infant Care: Trust Yourself an Enjoy Your Baby.
homearts.com/depts/health/00ninec2.htm The Whole Nine Months. A pregnancy resource, due date calculator, monthly break down of what to expect, etc.
www.magmacom.com/~reynolds/modetail.html Mom To Be software from Macro Software. From preconception to birth, this program provides helpful info, details such as fertility timing, due date, fetal development and more. A shareware version is downloadable!
members.aol.com/mom4manda/pregnancy.html Pregnancy and Baby Page. A nice links page with pregnancy, birth, and parenting links as well as freebie links.
www.momslife.com Mom's Life, A Place For Parents to Meet in Cyberspace. A magazine style resource for moms (and dads!) on pregnancy, baby care, parenting and more. With message boards, chats, tips and an "ask the Nurse" section.
www.momsonline.com Moms Online. A full featured magazine style resource for Moms online (and Dads too!). Lots of articles, tips and more on a wide variety of subjects. Chat rooms, message boards, baby namer, baby shower games and gift ideas, monthly e-mail newsletter and more.
www.montana.com/lighthearts Elisabeth Hallett's Home Page, author of "Soul Trek". This site contains many stories about three aspects of parenting, communicating with your baby before birth, bonding after birth, and family living. Related links.
www.ob-ultrasound.net Obstetric Ultrasound, A Comprehensive Guide, by Joeseph Woo. Everything you ever wanted to know about ultrasound, with lots of pictures an dozens of links. A site for doctors to learn more about the use of ultrasound in pregnancy, but has lots of interesting info parents may find useful. There are a lot of links to other ultrasound related sites, as well as a link for each mention of a medical condition where you can get more info on it. About half way down the page is the link to the Picture Gallery. Check out the emerging technology of 3D Ultrasound. The site can be slow at times, be patient, if something doesn't load, click again. If you can't get in, try during a less busy time.
www.parenthoodweb.com ParenthoodWeb, an online magazine, a pregnancy and parenting resource. Huge library of articles on a wide variety of subjects, a search feature is available. Chat, message boards, ask the experts, names, polls, links, product recalls and much more.
www.parenttime.com Parenting & Pregnancy Advisor.
pregnancy.miningco.com A pregnancy and childbirth resource by Robin Weiss. Lots of articles on a wide range of subjects, as well as message boards, chats, a newsletter, links and more. They have an ultrasound section with pictures, and you can submit your own. Plus a Baby Shower games and info.
www.similac.com Homepage for Similac formulas and their Welcome Addition Club, receive free formula, coupons, etc.
www.thelaboroflove.com A pregnancy and birth resource.
www.voiceofwomen.com Journal and Resource Guide for women.
web.co.nz/%7Ekatef/sspl A pregnancy loss support group.
www.weblinksco.com/books/books.htm A list of pregnancy related books.
www.weblinksco.com/books/second.htm Second Child Home Page.
www.westnet.com/~crywalt/pregnancy/contents.html Sort of an online story about expecting.
www.womenshealth.org A Forum for Women's Health